Donnerstag, 18. September 2008

Finaly, we did it!!

As I woke up in the morning I was really happy about the fine weather - I thought this will be a perfect day with a lot of climbing in the climbing-park at Rosenburg in the Waldviertel.

But as we arrived the guys there said we have to wait at least until 15.00 o'clock because of a reservation for 150 people ... You can imagine how delighted we have been ...

OK, we had then 4 hours until we could have gone climbing so we investigated the surrounding area, but the only interesting place we found was a cave but without light it was just the half fun ... ;-)

So back to the cars and straight ahead for lunch at the famous Grasl Wirtin - after too much eating we headed back to the park and unbelievable, we got access to climb in the park ... But this experience I won't describe here, I guess, my pictures will say more then words ...

Have a nice day and take care

Yours, Plobi

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

It was GREAT, GREATER, GREATEST ;)). You must not think about the problems in the morning.... just the climbing part.

We already pre-plan the next trip. I've heard there is a climbing-park near Stockerau, yeah... and you have to come with us again, you are an official member of our climbing-gang now ;).

Plobi hat gesagt…

as soon as my muscle ache )from playing golf yesterday) in my arms is over I will think about it ... :-)